Target Audience: K-12 Teachers
In this presentation Covey will show how allowing students to do small project based learning assignments and allowing student choice in projects can lead to authentic assessments of content mastery and valuable data on formative knowledge. Covey will also demonstrate how using longer term problem based learning allows students to draw on working knowledge from many standards to see how units interconnect with one another. We each have our own lens of understanding and often our students have a valuable, unique way of solving problems in their communities. In this session, Covey will share the ways that she helps her students take their big ideas and makes them a reality through problem-based learning. Whether using art, prototyping, writing, diagramming, video or a combination, Covey encourage students to develop their ideas through various platforms. There are a variety of competitions that Covey’s students can choose to participate in to reach beyond the walls of our classrooms and communicate their amazing ideas to the world.
Participants will see student examples and work together in breakout rooms to assume the role of a student for a small assignment to see the sort of engagement and communication required for completing such activities.